i really want to write a blog but…

i know that writing a blog is one way of expressing person’s feelings and thoughts. and that’s what i’m doing.

i really want  compose a blog with sense. but there are some reasons why i don’t have any entry.like  i have no topic to talk about. there are also times (most of the times i think) i don’t have any inspiration to motivate me to make one. and or maybe bcause of my laziness. 🙂

there are also times that i am able write first two paragraphs of my blog but the writer’s block (char!) strikes in. i forget how to construct sentence (grammatically correct sentence) or i do not know the right word to use. because of that i get frustrated i stop without finishing it.

another reason. sometimes is in the good mood to think for a topic, think, think, think until my mind is already wandering anywhere while staring opn the wall. and after few minutes i fall into a deep sleep (ZzZzZzZ)

oh well, until the next time i’ve decided to write a blog heheheh


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